 help / color / mirror / Atom feed
From: Rob Solomon <>
Subject: Window Management
Date: Sun, 05 Jul 2009 17:43:26 -0400
Date: 2009-07-05T17:43:26-04:00	[thread overview]
Message-ID: <> (raw)

I have a lot of experience w/ Modula-2 and would like to know how to
find comparable packages and subprograms to these Modules.  Idealy, I
would like the same code to work under WinXP and Ubuntu 9.04

The syntax of Modula-2 is very similar to Ada pacakges, from what I
can see.

    (* TYPES & CONSTS *)
    TextWindow, Colors, TextWindowsMsg, TextWindowProcedure,
NormalFont, BoldFont, ItalicFont, FontInfo, WinAttr, ClipboardFormat,
DisplayModes, ScreenAttribute, CaretTypes,  TWMessageRec,
ResponseType, CloseModes, CloseWindow, NormalWindow,
NormalChildWindow,  FontWeights, DefaultFontInfo, COORDINATE,
WindowDisplayInfo, WindowTypes,
    (* VARS *)
    (* PROCS *)
    ComposeAttribute, CreateWindow, SpecialKeys,
    GetClientSize, SetClientSize, SnapWindowToFont,
SetScrollRangeAllowed,  MoveCaretTo, GetCaretPos, CaretOn, CaretOff,
ShowCaret, HideCaret, SetCaretType,  IsCaretVisible, MakeCaretVisible,
PutStringAt, PutAttrAt, WriteString,  WriteStringAt, WriteCellsAt,
WriteCells, WriteLn, EraseToEOL, ChangeAttr,  ReadBufferString,
RepaintRect, RepaintScreen, PaintOff, PaintOn,  SetAutoScroll,
WinShellToTextWindowMessage,  MakeRowVisible, IsRectVisible,
MakeRectVisible, GetVisibleRect,  GetBufferRect, EraseScreen,
EraseRect, GetWinShellHandle, FindTextWindow,
SetDisplayMode,GetDisplayMode,SetWindowEnable, (*  SetWindowTitle, *)
    IsMinimized, IsMaximized, SetWindowTitle, SendUserMessage,
PostUserMessage,  IsUserMessageWaiting,AddVScrollBar, AddHScrollBar,
AddScrollBars, SetScrollBarPos, SetWindowData, SetWindowDataNum,
GetWindowData, GetWindowDataNum, GetWindowSize, SetWindowSize,
GetWindowPos, SetWindowPos, CascadeWindow,
    SetWindowIsBusy, GetWindowDisplayInfo, SetWindowDisplayInfo,
    SetScrollDisableWhenNone, SetActiveTabChild, SetTabChildPosition,
    GetForegroundWindow, SetForegroundWindow, SetWindowFont,
    SetTimer, KillTimer, DisplayHelp, SetWindowIcon,
    OpenClipboard, CloseClipboard, EmptyClipboard,
ClipboardFormatAvailable, AllocClipboardMemory, UnlockClipboardMemory,
SetClipboard, GetClipboard,  Xpos, Ypos, Xorg, Yorg, Xmax, Ymax;

(* This module provides a host of basic dialogs common for various
   simple tasks where it would be useful to have something that is
   ready to go without the need for writing code.

   The parent window of all dialogs is the value returned by

    MessageTypes        = (MsgInfo,

    PromptListWidth     = (NormalListWidth, WideListWidth);

    MessageTitle        : ARRAY [0..79] OF CHAR;
(* The title bar for all dialogs not specifically specifying a title

    WasSystemMessageBox : BOOLEAN;
    (* Only Applicable to Win32.
       TRUE if a system dialog box was just displayed.
       This is useful when using the WSM_ACTIVATEAPP,
       This lets you know that the foreground loss was just due to a
       system message box and not the user clicking away from the

(* the parent of all dialogs is DlgShell.GetDialogParent() *)

PROCEDURE MessageBox(mess : ARRAY OF CHAR; msgType : MessageTypes);
(* displays mess in a system message box
   the message box will have a single "ok" button
   carriage return/line feeds are allowed in the string and are
   correctly processed.
   msgType determines what type of ICON and sound are used when the
   message box is displayed.
   The MsgException type also displays the exception address in the

PROCEDURE MessageBoxId(mess : CARDINAL; msgType : MessageTypes);
(* mess is a string resource identifier specifying the string
   to load from the resource and display in the message box.
   See MessageBox

PROCEDURE YesNo(prompt : ARRAY OF CHAR; default : CHAR) : CHAR;
(* displays the prompt in a message box
   the message box will have a "yes" and "no" buttons
   if default = "Y" then the yes button will be the default button
   the dialog opens otherwise the no button will be the default
   upon return the function will return "Y" or "N"
   "Y" is returned if the yes button is pressed
   "N" is returned if the no button is pressed

PROCEDURE YesNoId(prompt : CARDINAL; default : CHAR) : CHAR;
(* prompt is a string resource identifier specifying the string
   to load from the resource and display in the message box.
   See YesNo

                      default : CHAR) : CHAR;
(* displays the prompt in a message box
   the message box will have a "yes", "no" and "cancel" buttons
   if default = "Y" then the yes button will be the default button
   the dialog opens, of default = "N" then the no button will be the
   otherwise the cancel button will be the default button
   upon return the function will return "Y", "N" or "C"
   "Y" is returned if the yes button is pressed
   "N" is returned if the no button is pressed
   "C" is returned if the cancel button is pressed

PROCEDURE YesNoCancelId(prompt : CARDINAL; default : CHAR) : CHAR;
(* prompt is a string resource identifier specifying the string
   to load from the resource and display in the message box.
   See YesNoCancel

                   default : CHAR;
                   msgType : MessageTypes) : CHAR;
(* displays the prompt in a message box
   the message box will have a "ok" and "cancel" buttons
   if default = "O" then the ok button will be the default button when
   the dialog opens otherwise the cancel button will be the default
   upon return the function will return "O" or "C"
   "O" is returned if the ok button is pressed
   "C" is returned if the cancel button is pressed
   msgType determines what type of ICON and sound are used when the
   message box is displayed.

                     default : CHAR;
                     msgType : MessageTypes) : CHAR;
(* prompt is a string resource identifier specifying the string
   to load from the resource and display in the message box.
   See OkCancel

(* opens a modeless dialog box.
   A return value of FALSE signifies failure.
   the dialog can display a single line of text, prompt, of a limited
   this is generally used when your application is performing a

(* prompt identifies a string resource to retrieve the text to be
   displayed in the dialog.
   See OpenBusyBox

(* close a previously opened busy box dialog *)

PROCEDURE PromptString(prompt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                       VAR INOUT response : ARRAY OF CHAR) : BOOLEAN;
(* open a modal dialog with a single edit field and a text label
   for the edit field contained in prompt.
   returns TRUE if the user enters text and presses OK, otherwise
   the text entered is contained in response

PROCEDURE PromptStringId(prompt : CARDINAL;
                         VAR INOUT response : ARRAY OF CHAR) :
(* prompt identifies a string resource to retrieve the text to be
   displayed in the dialog.
   See PromptString

PROCEDURE PromptPassword(prompt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         VAR INOUT response : ARRAY OF CHAR) :
(* same as the PromptString dialog except the text the user enters
   will be "greeked" and not be visible to anyone to looking at the

PROCEDURE PromptPasswordId(prompt : CARDINAL;
                           VAR INOUT response : ARRAY OF CHAR) :
(* prompt identifies a string resource to retrieve the text to be
   displayed in the dialog.
   See PromptPassword

PROCEDURE PromptCard(prompt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                     min, max : CARDINAL;
                     allowZero : BOOLEAN;
                     VAR INOUT response : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* open a modal dialog with a single edit field and a text label
   for the edit field contained in prompt.
   returns TRUE if the user enters a valid number and presses OK
   otherwise FALSE
   the number entered is contained in response
   min and max provide range checking for the number entered.
   if allowZero = TRUE then the number zero will be allowed even if
   the allowed number range. This can be used to allow the user to
enter a
   "null" value.

PROCEDURE PromptCardId(prompt : CARDINAL;
                       min, max : CARDINAL;
                       allowZero : BOOLEAN;
                       VAR INOUT response : CARDINAL) : BOOLEAN;
(* prompt identifies a string resource to retrieve the text to be
   displayed in the dialog.
   See PromptCard

PROCEDURE PromptListStr(prompt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                        VAR INOUT list : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                        listSep : CHAR;
                        VAR INOUT selStr : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                        listWidth : PromptListWidth) : BOOLEAN;
(* open a modal dialog with a single list box and a text label
   for the list field contained in prompt.
   returns TRUE if the user selects an item in the list and presses
   or double clicks a list item.
   otherwise FALSE is returned.
   the item selected is contained in selStr. The value is the text of
   the item in the list.
   the list of items is contained in the parameter 'list'. Each item
in the
   list is separated by the character listSep. The parameter list must
   null terminated.
   If on entry selStr contains a value that matches an item in the
   then that item will initially be selected, otherwise no item will
   initially selected.
   listWidth specifies the size of the list box. Choose an appropriate
   depending on the length of the list item strings.
   The list box will display a scroll bar when necessary.

PROCEDURE PromptListStrId(prompt : CARDINAL;
                          VAR INOUT list : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          listSep : CHAR;
                          VAR INOUT selStr : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          listWidth : PromptListWidth) : BOOLEAN;
(* prompt identifies a string resource to retrieve the text to be
   displayed in the dialog.
   See PromptListStr

PROCEDURE PromptListIndex(prompt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          VAR INOUT list : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                          listSep : CHAR;
                          VAR INOUT selIndex : CARDINAL;
                          listWidth : PromptListWidth) : BOOLEAN;
(* as PromptListStr except you specify the selection by position in
   list starting with the value zero. Therefore the first item in the
   list has a value of zero and the second one, and so on.
   MAX(CARDINAL) signifies no selection

PROCEDURE PromptListIndexId(prompt : CARDINAL;
                            VAR INOUT list : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                            listSep : CHAR;
                            VAR INOUT selIndex : CARDINAL;
                            listWidth : PromptListWidth) : BOOLEAN;
(* prompt identifies a string resource to retrieve the text to be
   displayed in the dialog.
   See PromptListIndex

                         filters : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         VAR INOUT defFilter : CARDINAL;
                         defDir : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         defExt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         title : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                         createable : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;
(* Opens an operating system common dialog for opening  a file
   filters specifies a list of file extension filters that are
   separated by semicolons.
   The format for filters is as follows.
   defDir = the default directory to start the dialog in
   an empty string "" means use the current directory.
   defExt = the default file extension to use if the user does not
   provide an extension. "" means no default extension.
   the extension should *not* have a leading '.' character.
   title = the caption text of the dialog. title can be empty "".
   in this case the default operating system title is used.
   If createable = TRUE then the file need not already exist,
   the file must exist for the dialog to return successful.
   RETURNs TRUE is successful and name will contain the file
   for the file the user has given.

                           filters : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                           VAR INOUT defFilter : CARDINAL;
                           defDir : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                           defExt : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                           title : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                           overwritePrompt : BOOLEAN) : BOOLEAN;
(* As PromptOpenFile except this dialog is for saving a file.
   If overwritePrompt = TRUE then the user will be prompted when a
file with
   the file name they enter already exists. They must answer yes to
   dialog to continue and has this function return TRUE

    FontOptions = (FixedPitchOnly, NoStyle);
    FontOptionSet = PACKEDSET OF FontOptions;

PROCEDURE PromptChooseFont(VAR INOUT font : FontInfo;
                           opt : FontOptionSet) : BOOLEAN;
(* opens an operating system common dialog for selecting a font.
   RETURNs TRUE if successful and font will then contain the
   describing the font the user selected. otherwise returns FALSE
   FixedPitchOnly if set will limit the font selections to fixed pitch
   NoStyle if set will not allow the user to select a font style
   such as Bold, Italic, etc..
   NoSize if set will not all the user to select a font point size

    PrintInfo =
        fromPage        : CARDINAL; (* in out *)
        toPage          : CARDINAL; (* in out *)
        minPage         : CARDINAL; (* in *)
        maxPage         : CARDINAL; (* in *)
        copies          : CARDINAL; (* in out *)
        selected        : BOOLEAN; (* in out *)
        duplex          : BOOLEAN; (* out *)
        collate         : BOOLEAN; (* in out *)
        driverInfo      : PrintDriverInfo; (* in out *)

PROCEDURE PromptPrint(VAR INOUT info : PrintInfo) : BOOLEAN;
(* opens an operating system common dialog for selecting a printer and
   various printer options for a specific print job.
   info contains the information to initialize the dialog fields  an
to also return the user entered information.
   Returns TRUE if the user does not cancel the dialog. In this case
you continue by performing the print action the user has specified.
fromPage - initializes the dialog with the starting page to print, and
upon return contains the starting page to print entered by the user.
           Normally initialized with 1. See toPage.
toPage - initializes the dialog with the ending page to print, and
    upon return contains the ending page to print entered by the user.
         If this value is initialized with 0 then the user will not be
allowed to select a page range to print and no value is returned.
minPage - Only valid if toPage is initialized with a non zero value.
          The minimum page number the user will be allowed to enter in
          fromPage and toPage.
maxPage - Only valid if toPage is initialized with a non zero value.
          The maximum page number the user will be allowed to enter in
          fromPage and toPage.
copies - The number of copies to be printed. Normally initialized with
a value of 1. Upon return the number of copies the user wants printed.
         If the printer driver supports multiple copies you will never
         reveive a value other than 1 upon return.
selected - If TRUE the user will be allowed to select if the current
           "selection" is to be printed, otherwise the entire document
is assumed. Upon return TRUE means that the user wants only the
           selection to be printed.
duplex - Upon return if TRUE the document is to be printed two sided.
This value can only be true if the printer supports duplex printing.
collate - If initialized with TRUE then the user will be allowed to
select collated printing when printing multiple copies, otherwise they
          will not be allowed to make such a selection. Upon return
the multiple copies of the document must be printed in a collated
          It is up to you to do this since the printer driver does not
have support doing this. If the printer driver supports collation you
          will never receive a value of TRUE.
driverInfo - This value may be initialized with NIL or a previously
obtained value from PromptPrintSetup or this procedure.
             See PromptPrintSetup

PROCEDURE PromptPrintSetup(VAR INOUT info : PrintDriverInfo) :
(* opens an operating system common dialog for setting up a printer
and various custom printer options.
   Normally you will have a global variable that is initialized with a
value of NIL and thereafter use that value. In this way your
application will
   remember settings the user has made and not force them to reenter
them every time they want to print.
   This value is usually passed to PromptPrint, although the user
generally also has access to printer setup from the print dialog as

PROCEDURE GetPrintDriverInfo(printerName : ARRAY OF CHAR;
                             VAR OUT info : PrintInfo) : BOOLEAN;
(* this procedure allows you to get print information if you know the
   system information detailing a printer driver
   this procedure exists for an application to support the operating
system Print and PrintTo shell commands (right click and drag and
drop). These commands are for files that are registered with the
operating system.
   The operating system provides the first three parameters to you
   in the Print and PrintTo commands.
   If printerName = "" then the information for the default printer
   is returned.
   The function returns TRUE if successful

END BasicDialogs.

             reply	other threads:[~2009-07-05 21:43 UTC|newest]

Thread overview: 4+ messages / expand[flat|nested]  mbox.gz  Atom feed  top
2009-07-05 21:43 Rob Solomon [this message]
2009-07-05 23:25 ` Window Management Ludovic Brenta
2009-07-15  0:14   ` Rob Solomon
2009-07-05 23:33 ` anon
replies disabled

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